Personal Injury

256-270 of 280 Articles
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The managing director of personal injury specialist firm JMK Solicitors has been awarded a fellowship from the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL). Maurece Hutchinson has become one of only three Northern Ireland-based legal professionals to currently hold the accreditation.

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Personal injury awards in the Irish courts are driving a "compo culture" in Ireland, the Government minister with special responsibility for insurance has said. Minister of state Michael D'Arcy said awards in the District Court and Circuit Court were too high and that "recalibration" would not be po

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A statutory committee of judges will draw up guidelines on personal injury pay-outs under plans approved by the Cabinet yesterday. The Government will table amendments to the Judicial Council Bill to give effect to the recommendation of the Personal Injuries Commission chaired by former judge Nichol

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A dedicated anti-fraud unit in An Garda Síochána is not necessary to tackle insurance fraud, according to Garda Commissioner Drew Harris. The establishment of a dedicated unit funded by the insurance industry was explored as a proposal by the Cost of Insurance Working Group (CIWG), whi

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Retired judge Nicholas Kearns, who chaired the Personal Injuries Commission, has questioned whether the Law Society of Ireland could do more to stop solicitors representing fraudulent personal injury claimants. Mr Kearns, a former president of the High Court, told an international fraud prevention c

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The Government should not blame the legal profession for hindering efforts to reduce insurance premiums in Ireland, retired judge Nicholas Kearns has said. The former High Court president, who chaired the Personal Injuries Commission, told RTÉ's Marian Finucane Show: "The question is now, ins

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Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan has said Ireland's "very profitable" insurance industry needs to do more to reduce the costs of premiums. Speaking in the context of a Seanad debate on personal injury payouts, he said the level of awards "needs to be addressed and, indeed, a number of initiatives a

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An expert group chaired by Mr Justice Charles Meenan has said it will explore the possible establishment of a Medical Injuries Assessment Board along the lines of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board. The idea is raised in the interim report of the group set up to review the law of torts from the

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The first settlement in a catastrophic injury case with provision for periodic payments has been approved by the High Court. It comes nearly five months after parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Civil Liability (Amendment) Act 2017, providing for periodic payment orders, were commenced last October.

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A woman who was hit on the head by closing lift doors at her work premises, has lost her claim for damages as it was concluded that the incident was caused by her own negligence. Accepting that the placement of sensors on the lift was consistent with the industry norm, and that voiceover warnings we

256-270 of 280 Articles